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  3. E-learning (FAD)

FAD, the continuous training tool

The FAD (asynchronous e-learning) is a tool used for the training of workers and safety figures of a company to facilitate the learning process. 
Thanks to technology, it is possible to take advantage of a series of training courses to increase one's skills and update one's professional roles in an innovative way compared to the classic "classroom".
Through the platform where the various modules are hosted, it is possible to access the courses of interest at any time and in any place, as they are always available to the user.

How does FAD safety training work?

Our e-learning courses on safety allow information and training of company figures that are quick to activate and flexible in use.
Each course includes an intermediate or final evaluation, and the verification of attendance and conclusion of the training course through telematic tests. At the end of the course, the certificate will be issued automatically, compliant with the original and valid in accordance with current legislation.
Choose the course that best suits your needs from the training modules in the e-learning catalog and carry it out from the comfort of your workplace.

Discover the platform!